The sun emits a spectrum of
electromagnetic radiation. UV radiation is one part of this
spectrum. Other parts of the spectrum are gamma rays, x-rays,
visible light, infra-red radiation (which is felt as heat) and
radio waves.
There are three different
types of UV radiation:
UVA – which transmits freely through the earth’s
UVB – which is partially absorbed by the atmosphere
UVC – which is completely absorbed by the
UVA and UVB both contribute to skin cancer
and other damage caused by over-exposure to UV radiation from
the sun.
UV radiation cannot be seen or felt – we see
visible radiation as light and feel infra-red radiation as
heat. In cooler locations, where access to warmth and light
may be desirable, outdoor spaces can be designed to protect
against UV radiation but permit access to visible and
infra-red radiation.
In WebShade, ShadeCalendar allows users to determine in
which months of the year people are likely to want warmth
outdoors and for which months protection from UV radiation is